Jeff Bezos, CEO von Amazon.com, Inc.
3. Dezember, 2020
Herr Bezos,
wir, gewählte Abgeordnete aus der ganzen Welt, lassen Sie hiermit wissen, dass die Tage von Amazons Straflosigkeit gezählt sind. Letzten Freitag, am 27. November, schlossen sich Arbeiter*innen, Aktivist*innen und Bürger*innen aus aller Welt zusammen, um Gerechtigkeit von Amazon zu fordern. Heute verpflichten wir uns zur Solidarität mit dieser Bewegung in jedem Kongress, Parlament und Regierungsgebäude, in dem wir arbeiten.
Kurz gesagt bekennen wir uns zu einem einzigen Ziel: Amazon bezahlen zu lassen.
Die ganze Welt weiß, dass Amazon genug Geld hat, um seine Arbeiter*innen, seine Umweltkosten und seine Steuern zu bezahlen. Und doch sind Sie – immer wieder – dem, was Sie den Arbeitnehmer*innen, der Gesellschaft und dem Planeten schuldig geblieben sind, ausgewichen.
Ihr großer Reichtum beruht auf den Fähigkeiten Ihrer Arbeiter*innen und der Fürsorge, die diese von ihren Freund*innen, Familien und Gemeinschaften erhalten. Das sind genau die Menschen, die ihre Gesundheit und die ihrer Angehörigen aufs Spiel gesetzt haben, um Verbraucher*innen mit Waren zu versorgen und Ihnen enorme Gewinne zu bescheren. Doch während Ihr persönliches Vermögen im Jahr 2020 um rund 13 Millionen US-Dollar pro Stunde gewachsen ist, finden sich diese Arbeitnehmer*innen in gefährlichen Arbeitsbedingungen wieder, erhalten nur eine geringe oder gar keine Lohnerhöhung und müssen für ihre Bemühungen, sich zur Wehr zu setzen und sich mit ihren Kolleg*innen zu organisieren, mit Vergeltungsmaßnahmen rechnen.
Wir verpflichten uns erneut, an der Seite Ihrer Arbeitnehmer*innen, Amazon bezahlen zu lassen.
Der Aufstieg Ihres Unternehmens in eine Position der Dominanz ist mit außerordentlichen Kosten für unsere Umwelt verbunden. Während Sie persönlich den Klimanotstand als eine der größten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit anerkannt haben, ist der ökologische Fußabdruck Amazons größer als der von zwei Dritteln der Länder dieser Erde. Mit Ihrem Plan zur Emissionsreduzierung würden immer noch die ökologischen Grenzen unseres Planeten überschritten. Zudem kann vor dem Hintergrund einer Rekordzahl an gebrochenen Nachhaltigkeitsversprechen sowie zahlreicher finanzieller Beiträge zur Leugnung des Klimawandels seitens Amazons von Vertrauen kaum die Rede sein.
Wir verpflichten uns daher erneut, im Namen unseres Planeten, Amazon bezahlen zu lassen.
Zu guter Letzt haben Sie unsere Demokratien und ihre Fähigkeit, auf gemeinsame Herausforderungen zu reagieren, untergraben. Ihre monopolistischen Praktiken haben kleine Unternehmen unter Druck gesetzt, Ihre Webdienste haben Datenrechte missachtet und Sie haben im Gegenzug kaum etwas zurückgegeben. So zahlte Amazon beispielsweise in den Jahren 2017 und 2018 in den USA überhaupt keine Körperschaftssteuer auf nationaler Ebene. Durch Ihre weltweite Steuerhinterziehung schaden Sie der öffentlichen Versorgung in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Bildung, Wohnen, soziale Sicherheit und Infrastruktur.
Wir verpflichten uns erneut, gegenüber unseren Wähler*innen, Amazon bezahlen zu lassen.
Wir fordern Sie dringend auf, entschlossen zu handeln, um Ihre Politik und Ihre Prioritäten zu ändern, um das Beste für Ihre Arbeiter*innen, unsere Gemeinden und unseren Planeten zu tun. Wir sind jedenfalls dazu bereit, in unserer jeweiligen Legislative zu handeln, um die wachsende Bewegung, die Amazon bezahlen lassen will, zu unterstützen.
An der Kampagne #makeamazonpay sind Organisationen und Politiker aus der ganzen Welt beteiligt. Das Ziel ist Amazon dazu zu bringen seine Steuern zu zahlen, seine Arbeiter fair zu entlohnen und Rücksicht auf die Umwelt zu nehmen. Mit dem gemeinsamen Hashtag #makeamazonpay kannst du die Kampagne unterstützen.
Name | Position | Land | Partei/Organisation |
ABBOTT, Diane | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
ACAR BAŞARAN, Ayşe | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ACQUAVIVA, Jean-Félix | Member of the French National Assembly | France | Pè a Corsica |
ALAMETSÄ, Alviina | Member of the European Parliament | Finland | VIHR / Greens/EFA |
ANCIAUX, Bert | Member of the Senate of Belgium | Belgium | sp.a |
ANDRESEN, Rasmus | Member of the European Parliament | Germany | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Greens/EFA |
APATZIDI, Maria | Member of the Hellenic Parliament | Greece | MeRA25 |
APOURCEAU POLY, Cathy | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
ARENA, Maria | Member of the European Parliament | Belgium | PS / S&D |
ARVANITIS, Kostas | Member of the European Parliament | Greece | Syriza / GUE/NGL |
ASHTON, Niki | Member of the House of Commons of Canada | Canada | NDP |
ASSASSI, Eliane | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
ATWIN, Jenica | Member of the House of Commons of Canada | Canada | Green Party |
AUBRY, Manon | Member of the European Parliament | France | La France Insoumise / GUE/NGL |
AUKEN, Margrete | Member of the European Parliament | Denmark | SF / Greens/EFA |
AUTAIN, Clémentine | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
AYDEMIR, Erdal | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
AYDENIZ, Saliha | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
BACCHI, Jérémy | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
BAKADIMA, Fotini | Member of the Hellenic Parliament | Greece | MeRA25 |
BAKIĆ, Damir | Member of the Croatian Parliament | Croatia | Možemo! |
BANDT, Adam | Member of the Parliament of Australia, Leader of the Australian Greens | Australia | Australian Greens |
BARBIER, Frédéric | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La République en marche |
BARKER, Paula | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
BARRY, Mick | Teachta Dála in Dáil Éireann | Ireland | Solidarity - People Before Profit |
BARTRES, Martí | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Morena |
BAUM, Marc | Member of the Parliament of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Déi Lénk |
BAYR, Petra | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
BEGLEY, Órfhlaith | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Sinn Féin |
BEGUM, Apsana | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
BENČIĆ, Sandra | Member of the Croatian Parliament | Croatia | Možemo! |
BENIFEI, Brando | Member of the European Parliament, Head of the PD Delegation | Italy | Partito Democratico / S&D |
BERNABE, Rafael | Member of the Senate in Puerto Rico | United States of America | Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana |
BERNALICIS, Ugo | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
BERTI, Francesco | Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies | Italy | Movimento 5 Stelle |
BIEJAT, Magdalena | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland | Poland | Lewica Razem |
BISCHOFF, Gabriele | Member of the European Parliament | Germany | SPD / S&D |
BOMFIM, Sâmia | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
BOMPARD, Manuel | Member of the European Parliament | France | La France Insoumise / GUE/NGL |
BONAVIDES, Natália | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PT |
BOTENGA, Marc | Member of the European Parliament | Belgium | PvdA / S&D |
BOWMAN, Jamaal | Member of the U.S. House of Representatives | United States of America | Democtratic Party |
BOYD BARRETT, Richard | Teachta Dála in Dáil Éireann | Ireland | Solidarity - People Before Profit |
BOYLAN, Lynn | Member of the Irish Senate | Ireland | Sinn Fein |
BRADY, Mickey | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Sinn Féin |
BRAGA, Glauber | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
BRGLEZ, Milan | Member of the European Parliament | Slovenia | SD / S&D |
BRICMONT, Saskia | Member of the European Parliament | Belgium | Groen / Greens/EFA |
BRULIN, Céline | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
BRUNEEL, Alain | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PCF |
BRYAN, Pauline | Member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
BUCHHOLZ, Christine | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
BÜLBÜL, Kemal | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
BULDAN, Pervin | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
BURGON, Richard | Member of the United Kingdom Parliament | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
BYRNE, Ian | Member of the United Kingdom Parliament | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
CANESE, Ricardo | Member of the Mercosur Parliament | Paraguay | Frente Guasu |
CARÊME, Damien | Member of the European Parliament | France | Europe Écologie / Green/EFA |
CAROLINA, Áurea | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
CAVAZZINI, Anna | Member of the European Parliament | Germany | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Greens/EFA |
CELADET GAYDALI, Mahmut | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ÇEPNI, Murat | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
CEZANNE, Joerg | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
CHAIBI, Leila | Member of the European Parliament | France | La France Insoumise / GUE/NGL |
CHAKRABARTI, Shami | Member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
CHAPELIER, Annie | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La République en marche |
CHASSAIGNE, André | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PCF |
CHISHOLM, Anthony | Member of the Australian Senate | Australia | Australian Labor Party |
CIGLER, Željko | Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia | Levica |
CLAUDE VARAILLAS, Marie | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
COHEN, Laurence | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
COLEBUNDERS, Gaby | Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives | Belgium | PvdA |
COLLINS, Joan | Teachta Dála in Dáil Éireann | Ireland | Right to Change |
COMINARDI, Claudio | Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies | Italy | Movimento 5 Stelle |
COQUEREL, Eric | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
CORBIERE, Alexis | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
CORBYN, Jeremy | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
COŞKUN, Şevin | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
CUKIERMAN, Cécile | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
CUNHA, Sandra | Deputy of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic | Portugal | Bloco de Esquerda |
CZARZASTY, Włodzimierz | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Party leader of the SLD | Poland | SLD |
DAĞ, Dersim | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
DALY, Clare | Member of the European Parliament | Ireland | Independents for Change / GUE/NGL |
DANIELSSON, Johan | Member of the European Parliament | Sweden | S/SAP / S&D |
DANIŞ BEŞTAŞ, Meral | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
DE LOOR, Kurt | Member of the Senate of Belgium | Belgium | sp.a |
DE MASI, Fabio | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
DEDE, Sait | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
DEHM, Diether | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
DEMIREL, Özlem | Member of the European Parliament | Germany | Die Linke / GUE/NGL |
DEPRAETERE, Melissa | Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives | Belgium | sp.a |
DHARREVILLE, Pierre | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PCF |
DIRAYET TAŞDEMIR, Dilan | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
DOLAN, Jemma | Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly | United Kingdom, The | Sinn Féin |
DOMSCHEIT-BERG, Anke | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
DUFRÈGNE, Jean-Paul | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PCF |
DÜNDAR, Pero | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
DURA FERRANDIS, Estrella | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | PSOE / S&D |
DZIEMIANOWICZ-BĄK, Agnieszka | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland | Poland | Lewica |
EASTWOOD, Colum | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, Party leader of the Social Democratic and Labour Party | United Kingdom, The | SDLP |
EKSIK, Habip | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ELLISON, Keith | Attorney General of Minnesota USA | United States of America | Democtratic Party |
ERDOĞMUŞ, Nimetullah | HDP's Acting President of Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ERNST, Klaus | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
ERSOY, Oya | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ERUNDINA DE SOUSA, Luiza | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
ESBATI, Ali | Member of the Swedish Parliament | Sweden | Vänsterpartiet |
EUGENIA RODRÍGUEZ PALOP, María | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | Podemos / GUE/NGL |
FARUK GERGERLIOĞLU, Ömer | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
FARUQI, Mehreen | Member of the Australian Senate | Australia | The Greens |
FAUCILLON, Elsa | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PCF |
FERSCHL, Susanne | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
FIAT, Caroline | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
FILIPE SOARES, Pedro | Deputy of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic, President of BE in Parliament | Portugal | Bloco de Esquerda |
FINUCANE, John | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Sinn Féin |
FLYVHOLM, Eva | Member of the Danish Parliament | Denmark | Enhedslisten |
FORTEZA, Paula | Member of the French National Assembly | France | Écologie Democratie Solidarité |
FREIXO, Marcelo | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
FREUND, Daniel | Member of the European Parlieament | Germany | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Greens/EFA |
FUGLSANG, Niels | Member of the European Parliament | Denmark | Socialdemokratiet / S&D |
FUNICIELLO, Tamara | Member of the National Council of Switzerland | Switzerland | SP |
GALVEZ, Lina | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | PSOE / S&D |
GARCÍA MUÑOZ, Isabel | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | PSOE / S&D |
GAY, Fabien | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
GEESE, Alexandra | Member of the European Parliament | Germany | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Greens/EFA |
GEIER, Jens | Member of the European Parliament | Germany | SPD / S&D |
GEORGOULIS, Alexandros | Member of the European Parliament | Greece | Syriza / GUE/NGL |
GHAHRAMAN, Golriz | Member of the New Zealand Parliament | New Zealand | Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand |
GILDERNEW, Michelle | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Sinn Féin |
GLÖCKNER, Angelika | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | SPD |
GLUCKSMANN, Raphaël | Member of the European Parliament | France | Place Publique / S&D |
GOEMAN, Hannelore | Member of the Flemish Parliament | Belgium | sp.a |
GÓMEZ-REINO VARELA, Antón | Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain | Spain | Podemos / GCUP-EC-GC |
GONÇALVES, Ivan | Deputy of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic | Portugal | PS |
GOSEK-POPIOŁEK, Daria | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland | Poland | Lewica Razem |
GOTTLIEB, Jette | Member of the Danish Parliament | Denmark | Enhedslisten |
GRÉAUME, Michelle | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
GRUBER-PRUNER, Daniela | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
GRUFFAT, Claude | Member of the European Parliament | France | Europe Écologie / Greens/EFA |
GÜLÜM, Züleyha | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
GÜNAY, Ebru | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Spokesperson of the HDP, | Turkey | HDP |
GUSMÃO, José | Member of the European Parliament | Portugal | Bloco de Esquerda / GUE/NGL |
GUTIÉRREZ CASTORENA, Daniel | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Morena |
GÜZEL, Semra | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
HAGMAN, Itai | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina | Argentina | Frente de Todos |
HAMMARBERG, Thomas | Member of the Swedish Parliament | Sweden | S/SAP |
HANNA, Claire | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | SDLP |
HATIMOĞULLARI ORUÇ, Tülay | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
HAUTALA, Heidi | Member of the European Parliament, Vice President of the European Parliament | Finland | Vihreä liitto / Greens/EFA |
HAYES, Chris | Member of the Australian Parliament | Australia | Australian Labor Party |
HAZZARD, Chris | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Sinn Féin |
HEDEBOUW, Raoul | Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, Spokesperson of PVDA | Belgium | PvdA |
HEIDE, Hannes | Member of the European Parliament | Austria | SPÖ / S&D |
HEINÄLUOMA, Eero | Member of the European Parliament | Finland | SDP / S&D |
HENDY, John | Member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
HERR, Julia | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
HOEY, Annie | Member of the Seanad Éireann of Ireland | Ireland | Labour Party |
HOLZLEITNER, Eva-Maria | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
HOMS GINEL, Alicia | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | PSOE / S&D |
HONKASALO, Veronika | Member of the Parliament of Finland | Finland | vas. |
HONRUBIA HURTADO, Pedro Antonio | Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain | Spain | Podemos / GCUP-EC-GC |
HONTIVEROS, Risa | Member of the Senate of Philippines | Philippines | Akbayan |
HOPKINS, Rachel | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
İMIR, Nuran | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
İPEKYÜZ, Necdet | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
JACKSON, Giorgio | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile | Chile | Revolución Democrática |
JONGERIUS, Agnes | Member of the European Parliament | Netherlands, The | PvdA / S&D |
JUHL, Christian | Member of the Danish Parliament | Denmark | Enhedslisten |
JUMEL, Sébastien | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PCF |
KAÇMAZ, Hüseyin | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
KASKI, Kari Elisabeth | Member of the Norwegian Parliament | Norway | SV |
KATIRCIOĞLU, Erol | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
KAYA, Hüda | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
KELLY, Gerry | Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly | United Kingdom, The | Sinn Féin |
KEMALBAY, Serpil | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
KENANOĞLU, Ali | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
KENNY, Gino | Teachta Dála in Dáil Éireann | Ireland | Solidarity - People Before Profit |
KEOGH, Matt | Member of the Australian Parliament | Australia | Australian Labor Party |
KERESTECIOĞLU DEMIR, Filiz | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
KERSTENS, John | Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands | Netherlands, The | PvdA |
KHANNA, Ro | Member of the U.S. House of Representatives | United States of America | Democratic Party |
KILIÇ KOÇYIĞIT, Gülistan | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
KIZILTEPE, Cansel | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | SPD |
KLUIT, Saskia | Member of the Senate of the Netherlands | Netherlands, The | GroenLinks |
KOÇ, Abdullah | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
KONEČNÁ, Kateřina | Member of the European Parliament | Czech Republic, The | KSČM / GUE/NGL |
KONIECZNY, Maciej | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland | Poland | Lewica Razem |
KORAŽIJA, Boštjan | Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia | Levica |
KORDIŠ, Miha | Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia | Levica |
KOULOGLOU, Stelios | Member of the European Parliament | Greece | Syriza / GUE/NGL |
KOUNTOURA, Elena | Member of the European Parliament | Greece | Syriza / GUE/NGL |
KOX, Tiny | Member of the Senate of The Netherlands | Netherlands, The | SP |
KUCHAROWITS, Katharina | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
KUCHER, Philip | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
KÜRKÇÜ, Ertuğrul | Honorary Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe | Turkey | HDP |
KURTULAN, Fatma | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
KVARNSTRÖM, Johan | Member of the Parliament of Finland | Finland | SDP |
LACHAUD, Bastien | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
LAFORGIA, Francesco | Member of the Italian Senate | Italy | Liberi e Uguali |
LAHELEC, Gérard | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
LALUCQ, Aurore | Member of the European Parliament | France | Place Publique / S&D |
LANGENSIEPEN, Katrin | Member of the European Parliament | Germany | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Greens/EFA |
LANGHOLM HANSEN, Øystein | Member of the Norwegian Parliament | Norway | A/Ap |
LARIVE, Michel | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
LARSSON, Dag | Member of the Swedish Parliament | Sweden | S/SAP |
LAURENT, Pierre | Member of the French Senate, Vice-President of the Senate | France | PCF |
LAVERY, Ian | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
LAY, Caren | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
LEIDIG, Sabine | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
LENKERT, Ralph | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
LERCHER, Max | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
LI VOS, Mei | Member of the Dutch Senate, PvdA Group Chairwoman | Netherlands, The | PvdA |
LIEBICH, Stefan | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
LIENEMANN, Marie Noelle | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
LINDBERG, Teres | Member of the Swedish Parliament | Sweden | S/SAP |
LONG-BAILEY, Rebecca | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
LÓPEZ DE URALDE, Juan | Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain | Spain | Podemos / GCUP-EC-GC |
LÓPEZ, Javi | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | PSC / S&D |
LÖTZSCH, Gesine | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
LUBECK, Marja | Member of the New Zealand Parliament | New Zealand | Labour Party |
LUENA, César | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | PSOE / S&D |
LUND, Rosa | Member of the Danish Parliament | Denmark | Enhedslisten |
MAÇIN, Nurettin | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
MANHAMMAR, Magnus | Member of the Swedish Parliament | Sweden | S/SAP |
MANLY, Paul | Member of the House of Commons of Canada | Canada | Green Party |
MANUEL ROLA, Maria | Deputy of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic | Portugal | Bloco de Esquerda |
MARTÍNEZ ZATÓN, Iñigo | Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain | Spain | IU / GCUP-EC-GC |
MARTÍNEZ, Germán | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Morena |
MASKEY, Paul | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Sinn Féin |
MATIAS, Marisa | Member of the European Parliament | Portugal | Bloco de Esquerda / GUE/NGL |
MATULA, Vilim | Member of the Croatian Parliament | Croatia | Možemo! |
MATYSIAK, Paulina | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland | Poland | Lewica Razem |
MAUREL, Emmanuel | Member of the European Parliament | France | Gauche Républicaine et Socialiste/ GUE/NGL |
MAY, Elizabeth | Member of the House of Commons of Canada | Canada | Green Party |
MAYORAL PERALES, Rafael | Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain | Spain | Podemos / GCUP-EC-GC |
MCDONNELL, John | Member of the United Kingdom Parliament | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
MCKIM, Nick | Member of the Australian Senate | Australia | The Greens |
MEARNS, Ian | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
MEISER, Pascal | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
MELCHIONNA, Fernanda | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
MELECHON, Jean Luc | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
MERCADO, Patricia | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Movimiento Ciudadano |
MESEC, Luka | Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia | Levica |
MEULEMAN, Elisabeth | Member of the Senate of Belgium | Belgium | Groen |
MEYER, Mattea | Member of the National Council of Switzerland | Switzerland | SP |
MIRANDA, David | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
MISHRA, Navendu | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
MOLINA, Fabian | Member of the National Council of Switzerland | Switzerland | SP |
MOLLOY, Francie | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Sinn Féin |
MULINO, Daniel | Member of the Australian Parliament | Australia | Australian Labor Party |
MURPHY, Paul | Teachta Dála in Dáil Éireann | Ireland | Solidarity - People Before Profit |
NÆVRA, Arne | Member of the Norwegian Parliament | Norway | SV |
NARAGHI, Laila | Member of the Swedish Parliament | Sweden | S/SAP |
NASH, Ged | Teachta Dála in Dáil Éireann | Ireland | Labour Party |
NASTIC, Żaklin | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
NIENASS, Niklas | Member of the European Parlieament | Germany | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Greens/EFA |
O'BRIEN, Joe | Minister of State; Teachta Dála in Dáil Éireann | Ireland | Green Party |
OBONO, Danièle | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
ÖCALAN, Ömer | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
OLUÇ, Saruhan | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
OMAR, Ilhan | Member of the U.S. House of Representatives | United States of America | Democratic Party |
ÖNLÜ, Alican | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ORHAN, Muazzez | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ORPHELIN, Matthieu | Member of the French National Assembly, President of Ecology Democracy Solidarity Group | France | Écologie Democratie Solidarité |
OSBORNE, Kate | Member of the United Kingdom Parliament | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
ÖSTERBERG, Anders | Member of the Swedish Parliament | Sweden | S/SAP |
OSTOA, Aníbal | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Morena |
OUZOULIAS, Pierre | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
ØVSTEGÅRD, Freddy Andre | Member of the Norwegian Parliament | Norway | SV |
ÖZEN, Zeynel | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ÖZGÜNEŞ, Hasan | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ÖZSOY, Hişyar | Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe | Turkey | HDP |
ÖZTÜRK, Berdan | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
PANOT, Mathilde | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
PAPADIMOULIS, Dimitrios | Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the European Parliament | Greece | Syriza / GUE/NGL |
PAUL LECOQ, Jean | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PCF |
PAYLAN, Garo | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
PEKÖZ, Kemal | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
PELLETIER, Anne-Sophie | Member of the European Parliament | France | La France Insoumise / GUE/NGL |
PERLI, Victor | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
PETER-HANSEN, Kira Marie | Member of the European Parliament | Denmark | SF / Greens/EFA |
PETRONE, Talíria | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
PEU, Stéphane | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PCF |
PIÑA, Blanca | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Morena |
PINEDA, Manu | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | IU / GUE/NGL |
PIROĞLU, Musa | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
PISARELLO, Gerardo | Member of the Spanish Congress of Deputies | Spain | Catalunya en Comú / GCUP-EC-GC |
POLLEY, Helen | Member of the Australian Senate | Australia | Australian Labor Party |
POSIO, Yasmine | Member of the Swedish Parliament | Sweden | Vänsterpartiet |
PRINGLE, Thomas | Teachta Dála in Dáil Éireann | Ireland | Independent |
PRUD'HOMME, Loïc | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
PUPPATO, Laura | Member of the Senate, Italy | Italy | PD |
QUATENNENS, Adrien | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
RATENON, Jean-Hugues | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
REGNER, Evelyn | Member of the European Parliament | Austria | SPÖ / S&D |
REGO, Sira | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | IU / GUE/NGL |
REINTKE, Terry | Member of the European Parliament | Germany | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Greens/EFA |
RESSIGUIER, Muriel | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
REYNARD, Mathias | Member of the National Council of Switzerland | Switzerland | SP |
RIBA I GINER, Diana | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | ERC / Greens/EFA |
RIBEIRO-ADDY, Bell | Member of the United Kingdom Parliament | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
RICE, Janet | Member of the Australian Senate | Australia | The Greens |
RIOJAS MARTÍNEZ, Lucía | Member of the Chamber of Deputies | Mexico | Independent |
RODRIGUES, Edmilson | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
RODRÍGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Alberto | Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain | Spain | Podemos / GCUP-EC-GC |
RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑERO, Inma | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | PSOE / S&D |
RODRIGUEZ, Jesusa | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Morena |
ROUSSEL, Fabien | Member of the French National Assembly, National Secretary of the French Communist Party | France | PCF |
RUBIN, Sabine | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
RUFFIN, François | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
RÜŞTÜ TIRYAKI, Mehmet | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
RZOSKA, Björn | Member of the Flemish Parliament | Belgium | Groen |
SABANÉS NADAL, Inés | Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain | Spain | Más País |
SAKORAFA, Sofia | Member of the Hellenic Parliament | Greece | MeRA25 |
SANCAR, Mithat | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
SÁNCHEZ SERNA, Javier | Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain | Spain | Podemos / GCUP-EC-GC |
SÁNCHEZ, Celeste | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Morena |
SANTIAGO ROMERO, Enrique | Member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain | Spain | IU / GCUP-EC-GC |
SARISAÇ, Murat | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
SARKKINEN, Hanna | Member of Parliament of Finland | Finland | Vasemmistoliitto |
SATOURI, Mounir | Member of the European Parliament | France | Europe Écologie / Greens/EFA |
SAVOLDELLI, Pascal | Member of the French Senate | France | PCF |
SCHENNACH, Stefan | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
SCHIEDER, Andreas | Member of the European Parliament | Austria | SPÖ / S&D |
SCHIRDEWAN, Martin | Member of the European Parliament | Germany | Die Linke / GUE/NGL |
SCHUMANN, Korinna | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
SENYSZYN, Joanna | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland | Poland | SLD |
SHELDON, Tony | Member of The Australian Senate | Australia | Labour Party |
SHERLOCK, Marie | Member of the Seanad Éireann of Ireland | Ireland | Labour Party |
SIEWERT, Rachel | Member of the Australian Senate | Australia | The Greens |
SILVAN, Rudolf | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ / S&D |
SITER, Primož | Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia | Levica |
SMEULDERS, Paul | Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands | Netherlands, The | Groenlinks |
SMITH, Brid | Teachta Dála in Dáil Éireann | Ireland | Solidarity - People Before Profit |
SMITH, David | Member of the Australian Parliament | Australia | Australian Labor Party |
SOLÉ, Jordi | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | ERC / Greens/EFA |
SØNDERGAARD, Søren | Member of the Danish Parliament | Denmark | Enhedslisten |
SOWIŃSKA, Anita | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland | Poland | SLD |
STÖGER, Alois | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
SUKIČ, Nataša | Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia | Levica |
SULEIMAN, Aminu | Member of the National Assembly of Nigeria | Nigeria | APC |
SULTANA, Zarah | Member of the United Kingdom Parliament | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
SÜRÜCÜ, Ayşe | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
SVENNELING, Hakan | Member of the Swedish Parliament | Sweden | Vänsterpartiet |
TANG, Paul | Member of the European Parliament | Netherlands, The | PvdA / S&D |
TAŞ, Sıdık | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
TAŞÇIER, İmam | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
TAŠNER VATOVEC, Matej | Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia | Levica |
TATTO, Nilto | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PT |
TAURINE, Bénédicte | Member of the French National Assembly | France | La France Insoumise |
TEMEL, Tayip | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
TEMELLI, Sezai | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
TLAIB, Rashida | Member of the U.S. House of Representatives | United States of America | Democratic Party |
TOĞRUL, Mahmut | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
TOMAŠEVIĆ, Tomislav | Member of the Croatian Parliament | Croatia | Možemo! |
TOMIĆ, Violeta | Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia | Levica |
TOSUN, Remziye | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
TOUSSAINT, Marie | Member of the European Parliament | France | EELV / Greens/EFA |
TRASVIÑA, Lucia | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Morena |
TRICKETT, Jon | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
TURAN, Rıdvan | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
UCA, Feleknas | Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | HDP |
ULRICH, Alexander | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
URBÁN CRESPO, Miguel | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | Podemos / GUE/NGL |
URQUHART, Anne | Member of the Australian Senate | Australia | Australian Labor Party |
URTASUN, Ernest | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | Catalunya en Comú / Greens/EFA |
VALENTE, Ivan | Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil | Brazil | PSOL |
VALLAUD, Boris | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PS |
VAN BREMPT, Kathleen | Member of the European Parliament | Belgium | sp.a / S&D |
VAN DIJK, Gijs | Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands | Netherlands, The | PvdA |
VAN GURP, Roel | Member of the Senate of The Netherlands | Netherlands, The | GroenLinks |
VAN HEES, Marco | Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives | Belgium | PvdA |
VAN KENT, Bart | Member of the Dutch House of Representatives | Netherlands, The | SP |
VAN SPARRENTAK, Kim | Member of the European Parliament | Netherlands, The | GroenLinks / Greens/EFA |
VANDENHOVE, Ludwig | Member of the Flemish Parliament | Belgium | sp.a |
VAROUFAKIS, Yanis | Member of the Hellenic Parliament, Secretary General of MeRA25 | Greece | MeRA25 |
VÁZQUEZ, Antares | Member of the Mexican Senate | Mexico | Morena |
VELASQUEZ, Victoria | Member of the Danish Parliament | Denmark | Enhedslisten |
VELDHOEN, Gala | Member of the Dutch Senate | Netherlands, The | GroenLinks |
VILÀ GALÁN, Sara | Member of the Spanish Senate | Spain | Catalunya En Comú Podem / GPIC |
VILLANUEVA RUIZ, Idoia | Member of the European Parliament | Spain | Podemos / GUE/NGL |
VILLUMSEN, Nikolaj | Member of the European Parliament | Denmark | Enhedslisten / GUE/NGL |
VIND, Marianne | Member of the European Parliament | Denmark | Socialdemokratiet / S&D |
VOLLATH, Bettina | Member of the European Parliament | Austria | SPÖ / S&D |
WAGNER, Andreas | Member of the Bundestag | Germany | Die Linke |
WAGNER, David | Member of the Parliament of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Déi Lénk |
WALLACE, Mick | Member of the European Parliament | Ireland | Independents for change / GUE/NGL |
WATERS, Larissa | Member of the Australian Senate | Australia | The Greens |
WEBBE, Claudia | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
WERMUTH, Cedric | Member of the National Council of Switzerland | Switzerland | SP |
WHITLEY, Mick | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
WHITTOME, Nadia | Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom | United Kingdom, The | Labour Party |
WILKINSON, Nicholas | Member of the Norwegian Parliament | Norway | SV |
WINTER, Gonzalo | Deputy in the Chamber of Deputies of the Republic of Chile, Head of the Social Convergence Bench | Chile | Convergencia Social |
WONNER, Martine | Member of the French National Assembly | France | Écologie Democratie Solidarité |
WULFRANC, Huber | Member of the French National Assembly | France | PCF |
YANNICK, Jadot | Member of the European Parliament | France | Europe Écologie / Greens/EFA |
YILMAZ, Nurten | Member of the National Council of Austria | Austria | SPÖ |
ZANDBERG, Adrian | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland | Poland | Lewica Razem |
ZAWISZA, Marcelina | Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland | Poland | Lewica Razem |
ÞÓRA ÁRNADÓTTIR, Steinunn | Member of the Althingi | Iceland | Vinstri Græn |
Sie können maximal 7 Forderungen auswählen und ihre Abstimmung im Nachhinein ändern.
- Steuern für Superreiche 12%, 3858 Stimmen12% aller Stimmen 12%3858 Stimmen - 12% aller Stimmen
- Mehr Geld für Gesundheit 9%, 2984 Stimmen9% aller Stimmen 9%2984 Stimmen - 9% aller Stimmen
- Billigere Energie 8%, 2804 Stimmen8% aller Stimmen 8%2804 Stimmen - 8% aller Stimmen
- Besteuerung von Banken 7%, 2362 Stimmen7% aller Stimmen 7%2362 Stimmen - 7% aller Stimmen
- Billigere Mieten 7%, 2246 Stimmen7% aller Stimmen 7%2246 Stimmen - 7% aller Stimmen
- Mehr Geld für Bildung 6%, 2130 Stimmen6% aller Stimmen 6%2130 Stimmen - 6% aller Stimmen
- Mehrwertsteuer für Lebensmittel senken 6%, 1976 Stimmen6% aller Stimmen 6%1976 Stimmen - 6% aller Stimmen
- Steuersenkung für Beschäftigte 6%, 1934 Stimmen6% aller Stimmen 6%1934 Stimmen - 6% aller Stimmen
- Ausbau des öffentlichen Verkehrs 5%, 1571 Stimme5% aller Stimmen 5%1571 Stimme - 5% aller Stimmen
- Mehr Investitionen in den Klimaschutz 5%, 1515 Stimmen5% aller Stimmen 5%1515 Stimmen - 5% aller Stimmen
- Höhere Löhne 4%, 1397 Stimmen4% aller Stimmen 4%1397 Stimmen - 4% aller Stimmen
- Höhere Pensionen 4%, 1370 Stimmen4% aller Stimmen 4%1370 Stimmen - 4% aller Stimmen
- Landesweiter Ausbau der Kinderbetreuung 4%, 1201 Stimme4% aller Stimmen 4%1201 Stimme - 4% aller Stimmen
- Streichung der Förderung für E-Autos 3%, 1059 Stimmen3% aller Stimmen 3%1059 Stimmen - 3% aller Stimmen
- Mehr Fokus auf Integration 3%, 976 Stimmen3% aller Stimmen 3%976 Stimmen - 3% aller Stimmen
- Mehr öffentlichen Wohnbau 3%, 960 Stimmen3% aller Stimmen 3%960 Stimmen - 3% aller Stimmen
- Mehr Geld für Sicherheit 3%, 916 Stimmen3% aller Stimmen 3%916 Stimmen - 3% aller Stimmen
- Kürzere Arbeitszeiten 3%, 895 Stimmen3% aller Stimmen 3%895 Stimmen - 3% aller Stimmen
- Höheres Pensionsantrittsalter 2%, 503 Stimmen2% aller Stimmen 2%503 Stimmen - 2% aller Stimmen
- Förderung für KMUs / Betriebsgründung 1%, 396 Stimmen1% aller Stimmen 1%396 Stimmen - 1% aller Stimmen
- Sonstiges 1%, 221 Stimme1% aller Stimmen 1%221 Stimme - 1% aller Stimmen
Fest gegen Amazon wettern, aber danach fleissig dort einkaufen und wenn’s nur 2€ weniger kostet als in einem Onlineshop, der regulär arbeitet. Finde den Fehler.
Da kann man Jeff keine Vorwürfe machen, sondern muß sich an die eigene Nase fassen
Einkaufen dort ist für mich nur Ultima Ratio
Etappensieg für Steuertransparenz in der EU?Tuesday, 9. March 2021 @ 08:47
http://wien.kpoe.at/images/articles/etappensieg-fur-steuertransparenz-in-der_1.png „Online-Giganten wie Amazon dürfen sich Jahr für Jahr über Rekordgewinne freuen, die jedoch gegen „null“ optimiert werden, damit keine Steuer
2019 hat etwa der größte Onlinehändler der Welt in Europa einen Umsatz von 32 Milliarden Euro erwirtschaftet – und dafür eine Steuergutschrift von unfassbaren 300 Millionen Euro erhalten“ – kritisierte kürzlich der „Handelsverband Österreich“.
Zwar gab es kürzlich im EU-Rat eine Mehrheit für die Idee der „öffentlichen Berichtspflichten (Public Country-by-Country Reporting)“ von Konzernen mit einem Umsatz von über 750 Millionen Euro.
Das Berichte und Transparenz nix an der „Steueroptiminierung“ durch Großkonzerne ändern, wodurch riesige Summen den staatlichen Budgets verloren gehen, ist jedoch durch viele Beispiele belegt.
Und: jetzt beginnen erst Verhandlungen zwischen Rat, EU-Parlament und Kommission – selbst mehr Transparenz ist also noch lange nicht fix.
So schaut es bei AMAZON aus!!
Gehts noch???